Certified Facilitators 3000 Training

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

Inscripcion | Contenido del Curso | Solo para Alumnos

Certified Facilitators 3000 Training
Fecha Inicio: 28/9/2020 00:00:00
Fecha Final: 27/10/2020 00:00:00
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Inversion: 1.000,00 Bs.
o su equivalente en dolares 143,68 $us

Certified Facilitators 3000 Training Identificador:2061

Certified Facilitators 3000 Training


Hourly load: 140 hours

A co-re-crear una nueva eduaccion, todos juntos y juntas, Curso de P3000 en linea 2020

Una nueva Cultura pedagógica está emergiendo en el mundo. Está co-creada por todos y todas, y dará lugar a una nueva Sociedad, una durable Cultura de Paz, una consciencia ecológica y solidaria, cimentada por niños/as, jóvenes y adultos plenos, proactivos y felices.

1.1.   Contenido del curso

Phase 1: Teacher 3000 for a new education

• Introduction to Educatiooon 3000: new paradigms, history of P3000, our network.

• The children of today and tomorrow. Significant and extensive changes.

• Neuroeducation: a great ally to co-create active education, awareness, affection, creativity, collaboration and peace.

• The 7 Petal School for Peace (learning environment or learning ecosystem).

• The 13 Pillar Society. The socio-multi-education; The Multi-University. Post-2020 schools: new roll.

• Comprehensive pedagogical tools to achieve P4000 and P5000.

Phase 2: Specialties for a conscious education

Education in 7 petals

Teachers in action (for active Educators in the Classroom)

Families and Diverschooling

Curricula 4Life

Education for Peace

Personal development

Phase 3: Certified Facilitator Training

• The Facilitator Role, code of Ethics, horizontal leadership.

• Peace Culture, Nonviolent Communication and the power of empathic listening

• Oratory, public presentation tips.

• Public relations (project management)

• How to handle interviews on radio and television

• Personal, physical, emotional, intuitive and mental development

• Children with psychic talents

• Phases of Education, tomorrow's education, starting today

• Mission, Vision, Purpose of life

• Multi teaching

• Current changes: 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023

• How to weave platforms, networks and focus groups

• How to accompany families

• The International Educational Research Institute 3000 4000 5000

• The 50 programs of P3000 4000 5000.

Tipo Certificado: Aprobación: Certified Facilitators 3000 Training
Carga Horaria: 140 hours

Dirección: Avenida Junin, No. 5 Plaza del Policia Villa Adela, El Alto.
Email:info@institutointec.net, institutointecvirtual@gmail.com
Teléfono: +591 71981452

© - Instituto INTEC.

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